Getting started =============== The ``pygranta`` metapackage ensures compatibility between PyGranta packages and provides a convenient method for installing packages compatible with a specific release of Ansys Granta MI. Most packages require access to an installation of Ansys Granta MI. For more information on getting a licensed copy of Ansys products, visit the `Ansys website `_. ************ Installation ************ There are several ways of installing PyGranta depending on your use case, but the easiest is simply to run this command: .. code:: bash pip install pygranta This installs all the PyGranta packages for the latest released version of Granta MI. If you are interested in **installing a specific version**, such as ``2023.2.0``, you can run a command like this one: .. code:: bash pip install pygranta==2023.2.0 You can always install PyGranta packages individually by following the installation instructions for each package. For example, the instructions for PyGranta RecordLists have you install it by running this command: .. code:: bash pip install ansys-grantami-recordlists User mode installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before installing the ``pygranta`` metapackage in user mode, ensure that you have the latest version of `pip `_ by running this command: .. code:: bash python -m pip install -U pip Then, install the ``pygranta`` metapackage with this command: .. code:: bash python -m pip install pygranta If you are interested in **installing a specific version**, such as ``2023.2.0``, you can run a command like this one: .. code:: bash python -m pip install pygranta==2023.2.0 Offline mode installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you lack an internet connection on your installation machine, the recommended way of installing the ``pygranta`` metapackage is downloading the wheelhouse archive for your corresponding machine architecture from the repository's `Releases `_ page. Each wheelhouse archive contains all the Python wheels necessary to install the ``pygranta`` metapackage from scratch on Windows and Linux for all supported Python versions. You can install this on an isolated system with a fresh Python installation or on a virtual environment. For example, on Linux with Python 3.12, unzip the wheelhouse archive and install it with these commands: .. code:: bash unzip wheelhouse pip install pygranta -f wheelhouse --no-index --upgrade --ignore-installed If you're on Windows with Python 3.12, unzip to a wheelhouse directory and install using the same command as for Linux. Consider installing using a `virtual environment `_. Versioning system ----------------- The ``pygranta`` metapackage follows a semantic-like versioning system, though it has been adapted to the Ansys product release mechanism. In this sense, the following versioning system is followed: .. code:: bash XXXX.Y.ZZ Where: - ``XXXX`` is the Ansys product release year (for example, 2024). - ``Y`` is the Ansys product release within the same year (for example, 1, which relates to R1). - ``ZZ`` is the patched versions to the ``pygranta`` metapackage, if any. Consequently, the first ``pygranta`` metapackage compatible with the 2024 R1 release would be: .. code:: bash 2024.1.0 Any subsequent patched version of this package would have these versions: .. code:: bash 2024.1.1 2024.1.2 2024.1.3 ... When using ``pip`` to install your package, you can install a specific version with a command like this: .. code:: bash python -m pip install pygranta==2024.1.0